1994 – 2018

The best contribution I can make to this anthology is by sharing some of the letters Cely wrote over the years – on subjects ranging from the death of a parent to environmental education -and illustrating yet again her warmth and generosity of spirit.

May 26, 2011
Dear Betsy and Kathy,

I’m so sorry to hear about the death of your mother, an accomplished woman of many interests and talents, and who raised, along with your dear father, two extraordinary daughters (Meg I really don’t know).

Our two families have such a long happy history, sometimes living in close proximity, other times far too far apart, but we always seem able to sustain our emotional ties. So, I mourn with you and for you, but am fully aware that Adele deserved her peace at long last.

Sending with love and hugs,


April 10, 2012
Dear Kathy,

It was wonderful seeing you again and meeting Meg. She and Jodi are onto something really important I think. I will be following up with them.

I am already thinking ahead to a time we might get together…I will be visiting David, Julie and my grand daughter, Athena, in May and will be taking Amtrak up from D.C. to Philadelphia on Wednesday, May 30th. Would it be possible to meet you at the Museum, treat you to lunch and then take in one exhibit before I head on to Kutztown? Let me know if this would suit your schedule.

Remember, while our home is not very close to Meg, you and your husband are always welcome to stay in our guest room and take in the sights of LA before/after spending time Meg.

Glad you had such a nice visit with Roms. I know the burial of your Mother must have been difficult, but that sweet air at the ranch and plumes of Bluebonnets to the horizon must have been a balm… as well as Roms’ loving presence.

Sending love,


June 20, 2012
Dear Roms and Kathy,

This past Monday, I drove out to “Silverado Canyon” into the hills East of Irvine to meet Meg and her colleague in environmental education, Jodi. Jodi’s non profit organization is purchasing this property to provide a place where they can bring kids of all ages to experience a “wild” place. It is gorgeous – great old oaks such as you see in this picture, a very productive spring that turns into pools and a running stream (year round!) and happily does have a road so that a bus or several cars can drive up and park safely. We sat at a picnic table in the shade of this tree and talked and talked about their work, their dreams etc. So much fun!

So I just wanted to share this with you… and will urge you to accompany us there the next time you come to visit!

Roms, I did give Jodi and Meg the Bamberger Ranch website as their aims are very similar – restore and enhance this property by taking out non-indigenous plants, tend the spring, provide overnight experiences to kids.

Hope you are both enjoying your summers, the long twilight, the lovely breezes, the time to relax…



June 19, 2014
Dear Kathy,

I’m climbing into bed right now after spending a full day with my grand daughter, Abigail, and greeting my son, Michael who will spend several days here. My spirits soar when my kids are around!

Thank you for humor – always welcome! I’ll save it for a time when I need a good laugh. You are so thoughtful . Love, Cely

May 9, 2016
Oh, Roms and Harris, having to put away a dear old friend like Ruthie is so difficult. But what a way to go – looking at the pond with both of you there to comfort her. I’m so sorry. You did the right thing, though, which really is your last gift of love to her.

Know that I too am saddened for you.

Much love,


September 19, 2017
Dear Kathy,

Saw Betsy in DC who told me that there is a doctor in Meg’s life – how terrific! How are you? Love, Cely